FOI release

Sexual Assault & Rape Suspects

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we determined that the cost to do so would exceed the appropriate limit.

Case reference FOI2024/00237

Published 4 March 2024


We write further to request the below information; We write to make a Freedom of Information Act request in respect of City of London Police Force and information relating to suspects who are under investigation for allegations of sexual assault and rape. We request the following information: 1. Please state how many people commit suicide whilst either being released under investigation or on police bail for allegations of sexual assault and/or rape. 2. Please state how many deaths have been reported by your force to a Coroner where the deceased had:- a) been under investigation by your force; and b) the offence was one of rape and/or sexual assault. 3. Please state how many cases have been reported to the Independent Office for Police Conduct as a Death or Serious Injury matter by your force where:- a) a person has died; and b) had been under investigation for an offence of either rape and/or sexual assault.' Please provide us with the information we have requested for the last 5 calendar years.


City of London Police (COLP) are unable to answer your request as the information requested cannot be collated within the timeframe/cost threshold set out by the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Act Fees Regulations 2004. Section 12 (1) I estimate that the cost of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate limit. For agencies outside of central Government, this is set at £450 and represents the estimated cost of one person spending 18 hours [at a rate of £25 per hour] determining whether the public authority holds the information. This also includes locating, retrieving, and extracting the information requested


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