Freedom of information (FOI) releases from City of London Police

This is a disclosure log of City of London Police's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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2,806 disclosures

  1. * How many total police officers do you have serving? Please provide the number and percentage of serving police officers who have failed re-vetting procedures in the last five years. How many of these officers are still serving even though they have failed re-vetting? * For the last three years, please provide as many examples as is financially possible of the following: The rationale provided for rejecting vetting clearance for officers in relation to adverse information recorded as Violence Against Women and Girls-related. In each example, I would like a copy of the report made in rejecting vetting clearance, or as much of it as possible. * Does your force conduct face-to-face interviews (not including through audio/video telecommunications) as part of the vetting process? * Does your force check the content on publically available social media to ensure that the applicant's online behaviour is compatible with the Code of Ethics or Standards of Professional Behaviour, as part of the vetting process? * Please provide the average time between a police officer's initial vetting and re-vetting in your police force.

    Published: 28 May 2024

  2. I was wondering if I could receive stats regarding the number of women killed by men from 2021 - 2023. Can I know the the age, race, ethnicity, etc. of these women and men? Also, can the stats be based around murder offences only where the accused is or are male only, please?

    Published: 7 March 2024

  3. We write further to request the below information; We write to make a Freedom of Information Act request in respect of City of London Police Force and information relating to suspects who are under investigation for allegations of sexual assault and rape. We request the following information: 1. Please state how many people commit suicide whilst either being released under investigation or on police bail for allegations of sexual assault and/or rape. 2. Please state how many deaths have been reported by your force to a Coroner where the deceased had:- a) been under investigation by your force; and b) the offence was one of rape and/or sexual assault. 3. Please state how many cases have been reported to the Independent Office for Police Conduct as a Death or Serious Injury matter by your force where:- a) a person has died; and b) had been under investigation for an offence of either rape and/or sexual assault.' Please provide us with the information we have requested for the last 5 calendar years.

    Published: 4 March 2024

  4. 1. Since 2020, how many fatal dog attacks have happened in your area? 2. For each year, how many fatal dog attacks happened in a private residence/domestic setting, for example a home? 3. For each year, how many fatal dog attacks happened in a public setting?

    Published: 1 March 2024

  5. My enquiry concerns the Police SEEN Network (, a "gender critical" staff network claiming members in police forces throughout the UK. Please provide: - Confirmation of whether your force has formally recognised SEEN as a staff network - Any documents relating to the granting or refusal of such recognition - The approximate number of SEEN members within your force - Confirmation of whether SEEN members are permitted to respond to or investigate allegations of transphobic hate crime - Copies of any policies relating to the above.

    Published: 1 March 2024

  6. Please can you confirm the amount paid as an "Essential (Vehicle) User" payment to eligible Officers/Staff and provide a copy of the relevant Policy Document, also list of eligible Posts if not covered within the Policy document. I am seeking information in the form of, for example; Essential User Payment is £104/month Mileage Policy - Document attached Eligible Roles listed in the document

    Published: 1 March 2024

  7. I would like to know the rank structure, Many Thanks.

    Published: 28 February 2024

  8. Please could you provide me with the following information, in Excel or similar spreadsheet form if possible: The average time (in hours:minutes:second) it takes for police to arrive on the scene of 'theft of a motor vehicle' incidents in your force for the following calendar years: 2023, 2022 and 2021.

    Published: 23 February 2024

  9. I am writing to request information covering 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 Specifically, I would like to obtain the following information from Action Fraud: The total number of instances when a mobile network operator (either O2, Three, EE, or Vodafone) was given as an answer to the question "Which company is pursuing the victim for the debt?" on the 'Report Fraud' form. Of the above reports, how many were passed over to police forces for investigation (broken down by month). Please also provide the number passed over to police forces for investigation broken down by the police forces it was sent to (for example, how many were sent to the Greater Manchester Police).

    Published: 23 February 2024

  10. How many police officers and police staff were assigned to your Rural Crime Team, in FTE, as of the following dates 1. 31st December 2023 1. 31st December 2022 1. 31st December 2021

    Published: 23 February 2024